With cream and frangipane topping with selected monorigin
dark cru chocolate.
code 583 - 300 g - 10.58 oz


Tosa Fondente, made with single-origin dark chocolate, is a handmade cake with a classic identity but a modern and innovative taste. The tradition of the shortcrust pastry base combines with the exuberant flavor of frangipane with a very soft heart of selected single-origin dark chocolate. A fragrant cake with a bold and irresistible taste, thanks to the use of selected ingredients such as single-origin dark chocolate, fresh cream, and free-range hen eggs, it embodies all the passion and quality of “Made in Loison”.

frangipane with dark chocolate
dark chocolate
chocolate shortcrust pastry
Single-origin chocolate
Single-origin cocoa beans from selected South American plantations in regions dedicated to a high-quality crop.