Panettone COCCOLAMandarino
With raisins and late mandarin from Ciaculli
code 9105 - 1000 g - 2 lb 3 1/4 oz (35.25 oz)


The one-of-a-kind flavor of our Panettone Mandarino comes from the intense fragrance that late-season mandarins from Ciaculli release. We have used this Slow Food Presidium in our recipes since 2005. We purchase this variety of mandarin orange directly from the Slow Food Consortium, and the candying process that the peel of the fruit undergoes follows specific guidelines from us. The unmatchable scent of Mananara vanilla from Madagascar (a Slow Food Presidium) added to our Panettone brings to mind the sweet and magical atmosphere of winter holidays.

Late-season mandarins from Ciaculli
A spontaneous mutation of the Avana mandarin produced this variety which ripens later in the season. Cultivated in the villages of Ciaculli and Croceverde Giardina, Sicily, from January to March, the late-season Ciaculli mandarin is juicy, contains very few seeds and has a high sugar content.
Mananara vanilla from Madagascar
Vanilla is one of the most prized spices. The first to use it were the Aztecs. We source ours directly from growers in Madagascar, as they offer one of the best vanilla crops in the world. The fragrant black pods we are more familiar with are obtained after a lengthy production process.
Sultana raisins
Sultana raisins from Turkey, featuring seedless, even-looking fruits, are sweet and plump. The grapes are dried naturally out in the sun with no added preservatives.