4 mars 2021

2021 Catalogue de printemps Loison

Just like a fashion house that presents a new collection every season, Loison’s catalog features products that encompass spring, not only Easter. With Loison Pasticceri, the pleasure of a sweet bread is extended well beyond the holiday interlude.



Although this past challenging year put a damper on Sonia’s opportunities for inspiration – usually found when traveling abroad for business – the designer has always loved immersing herself in the warm and cozy atmosphere of tea rooms, where she can experience those environments that are not influenced by passing trends. There, every detail – whether a fresco or a piece of furniture – seems to stop the clock from ticking, as one reads a book and gets lost in deep thoughts. It is no coincidence that some of the most important books were written in tea rooms, where authors would instinctively find their most intimate part to then be able to fully express themselves through their work. From this passion for cozy places and with her many years of experience, Sonia Pilla once again refreshed Loison’s catalog and applied to Spring 2021 a color scheme that is consistent with the most flamboyant season of the year, one that exudes renewed energy. The hues found in the catalog faithfully reflect the harmony and consistency of Loison’s 12 basic colors: 12 shades like the 12 hours of the clock, the 12 months of the year and, why not, the 12 varieties of Loison’s cookies. Because Loison is and remains a timeless icon of style. SEASONS AND HARMONY Just like high fashion clothes that change with every season, Loison’s Collections alternate between the spring and the winter catalogs, with a refreshed look every year. In her own way, Sonia creates collections that convey fascinating visual balance. This distinctive trait of hers delicately inspires a sense of serenity. It is like a silent message that puts everyone at ease, as each of us sets out to discover the world of Loison’s sweets, in the most harmonious way.



Whether you think of it as a treat or as a transgression, anything sweet that Loison makes will always be by your side, just like your most trusted companion, offering you an opportunity for a moment of indulgence. It will be an intimate and true experience without any sign of weakness or the thought of a plan, simply shared in perfect harmony with Loison’s sweetness.